Wedgeparts: MGF MGTF New Parts
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MGF Cars: Parts Projects
MGF & MGTF Parts Database
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MGF Cars
dedicated to bringing the MG F to Canada
Chatham, Ontario
Brad's cell (evenings): (931) 801-0509

we are not affiliated with MG in any capacity

illustrated parts catalogue

(external site, pricing NOT applicable,
opens in new window)

Cannot find the part you need? Tell us which MGF parts need to be resourced/remanufactured.

Searching Database:A list of supersessions only can be found by entering "use:" in the description field.

Pricing: A price of '999' indicates the item is currently under review. We endeavour to keep pricing accurate and honour the prices posted. However, vendors do increase prices without prior notice and if this takes place we reserve the right to decline the sale if the customer is unwilling to pay the difference.

Shipping: We believe that the fairest policy is to charge the actual shipping cost based on the items you order, their destination and how quickly you need them. If you would like to know the shipping cost before your order is despatched, then please email us:

Use of factory part numbers are for reference only. Not all parts are actual MG Rover products.

Disclaimers of Warranties:
All parts sold 'as is'. The only warranties applying to this part(s) are those which may be offered by the manufacturer. The Seller, Wedgeparts hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of this part(s) and/or service. Buyer shall not be entitled to recover from the Seller, Wedgeparts any consequential damages, damages to property, damages for loss of use, loss of time, loss of profits, or income or any other incidental damages.

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